Memorial Forest
Anyone who has arranged a funeral with us has the option to dedicate a tree in memory of their loved one. After the funeral we will send you a link to our memorial forest so you can select and name your tree.
We will send you an email with a link to our memorial forest.
- Click on the link
- Select the type of tree you would like to dedicate
- You will be asked to join Treedom – click on ‘register’ to create your account (unless you already have one)
- Fill in the details to create your profile
- You will then be taken to a page where you can name your tree – each tree is unique. Click on the pencil icon at the top and type in the name of your choosing
- At the same time you will be sent an email to verify your email address. Please confirm your email
Yes, you need to set up a Treedom account. This is so that you can name your individual tree. You will be prompted to register and set up your account once you have selected your tree type.
Registering allows you to name a tree – each tree is unique and will remain dedicated in memory of your loved one.
Yes, each tree is unique and can be named. Once you have registered you are taken to your tree’s page. Click on the pencil edit icon, type in the name of your choosing and then submit.
Yes, you can share a link to your tree. On your tree page there is a sharing icon – click on this.
Yes, log into your Treedom account and your tress progress is shown on your ‘My Treedom’ page.
You can also choose to receive email updates. In your Treedom account, go to your profile icon and choose ‘settings’. Select the ‘Your data’ box and then the ‘communications’ tab. The first option includes notifications on your tree’s progress as well as some general updates related to Treedom’s tree projects.
You will only receive email communications from Treedom if you have chosen to do so. They will not send you email communications otherwise.
When you register you can select if you want to receive information, and once registered this information is shown under your profile.
If you wish to change this after you have registered, you can do this by logging into your account. Go to your profile, settings, your data and the communications tab.
Contact us
If you can’t find the answer to your question, please call or email our team. For urgent assistance, call us on 0118 957 3650 24 hours a day, seven days a week.